Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000203_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 19 18:15:35 1997.msg
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From: Chris Hodges <platon@cu-muc.de>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 07:43:20 EST5
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [040] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Subject: Re: Cap'in Bubba...
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Braneloc@mirex.demon.co.uk wrote on 19-Nov-97:
> Hmmm. Theres an idea. A configgable speech/fx combined channel.
> Interesting. Should be easy enough...
New in this version of AMCAF:
- New for ALL PT sample commands: Entering a negative value as channel
bitmask will trigger the Pt Free Voice function which will search for
the best channel number to use for sample replaying. Really handy
indeed! Pt Free Voice is rather complex:
- it first checks if the bitmask is zero and if so, it returns 0.
- then it checks, if only one bit was set in the mask and returns
the same.
- after that, it finds out if all four channels (or the ones given in
the bitmask) are currently playing a sound. If so, it returns the
channel bit of the sound which will cut off least.
- if there are free channels, it verifies, if music is playing at all.
If not, it returns the first free channel.
- so for music is playing, it looks if the user has masked out a
channel from the music (and which is currently free).
- then it checks for the remaining channels are playing looping sounds
for those will be not taken if necessary.
- the last step finds out the shortest sound currently played on the
channels, and then returns its channel bit.
- New functions:
- =Pt Free Voice[(bitmask)]
- Lzstr and Lsstr now return '9999...' if number is too large to fit into
the given amount of digits.
- Sample&music-mixer changed to be more accurate (samples could have been
cut off some VBLs too early if the music was playing at higher cia
speeds than 125bmp) with cia-timed mods.
- The sample replayer now uses a 2 byte chip mem buffer to kill the
high pitched beep sound sometimes appeared on samples which started
with 2 non-zero bytes. FixSamBank should no longer be required.
- Pt Raw Play can now play looping samples by giving a negative length.
- Implemented Vu Meters to AMAL. BUT it will ONLY work, if you REMOVE
the original AMOS Music Extension. No other way to get it work!
Bye, Chris Hodges (http://platon.home.pages.de/) __ __
A4000/60, 24MB, 3.6GB HD, CD-ROM, CV64, FliFix __ /// / / _____
GCS d H s-:++ !g p? !au a20 W++ v? C+++ \\\/// / /_/ ___/ LOGOUT
E---- N++ K- w------ -po+ t++@ 5+++ j-- R+ G? \XX/ \__/ __/ FASCISM!
tv- b+ D-- B? e+(++)* u++ h! f !r n+ !y+ AMIGA RULEZ! \/